Join a Cohort

We facilitate cohorts to encourage and equip leaders for taking spiritual and social responsibility for their neighbors and neighborhoods.

What are Cohorts?

Cohorts are relational process to root our faith in place.

Cohorts are for people who want to be formed in the Way of Jesus, taking spiritual and social responsibility for their neighbors and neighborhoods.

Each Cohort Module is 4 months of intentional interactive learning with 4-6 participants.

Cohorts are a unique combination of lectures, discussions, individual reflection, shared practices, neighborhood tours, and a final project retreat.

How will participation in a Cohort help me?

You will cultivate a perspective on the importance of the integration of faith and place.

You will gain a perspective of Scripture, the life of Jesus, and the early Church that is rooted and grounded in geography. And, you will connect to life-enriching community of people whose faith in rooted in place.

What is the commitment to participate in a Cohort?

You invest 4 hours each month for 12 months.

Cohorts are an intentional investment of rooting your faith in place. The structure of each month is:

Shared Meal & Meeting | 2 hours each month
Individual Reflection & Practice | 1 hour each month
Retreat | 1 overnight at the end of 4 months

The cost to participate in a 12 month Cohort is $1,200.
Scholarships are available for those with financial need.

Be encouraged and equipped to love your neighbors and neighborhood.

Cohort Outcomes

  • Create a Genogram to excavate the foundations of faith and place.

    Collect, examine, reflect, and recognize how your family of origin formed a foundation for your spiritual practice and relationship to place.

  • Design a Neighborhood Discovery to establish a sense of place where you live.

    Develop a holistic understanding of the place you live by assessing the histories, resources, opportunities, and needs in your specific geographic context.

  • Craft a Rule of Life to encourage life-giving rhythms that are rooted in place.

    Establish a framework to encourage your love of neighbor and neighborhood through place-based spiritual practices.

We facilitate cohorts for people to do the essential work of excavating and establishing their faith in place.